Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Welcome, Bienvenidos, Benvenuti!

After taking the better part of three (plus) years searching open blog names, I finally found one I not only like, but love! I was originally vying for the title "Que Bellisima" to honor my passion for all things Spanish and Latin American (insert your teasing about Marce here), however that name was already taken. I then moved on to my second favorite language, Spanish's close cousin, la Italiana! With the addition of one "s," I finally arrived at my blog name.

Que Bellissima translates to "how beautiful" - this represents all aspects of life that I enjoy, especially travel, food and drink! I admit there are likely to be posts related to other topics, such as new products, home decor, beauty and fashion (in the hopes people will remember items for certain holidays?). However, as much as I love a new lip stain (right now, Armani Lip Maestro in 400) or bag (I usually stare at the Celine Colorblock Trapeze Tote once a week), my true passion lies in the two actions of traveling and eating.

I owe my obsession with travel and experiencing other cultures to my grandmother, Billie, who began taking our entire family on annual trips when I was five years old. We have now been to the Bahamas, UK and Italy twice each, as well as to Spain, Germany, Mexico, Canada and most of the United States (including Alaska and Hawaii). My grandmother is a retired teacher and always made sure the trips we took growing up were not only fun for the family, but also educational. It is during these trips where I learned there is much, much more in the world than what is confined between the two major coast lines of the United States, and I grew eager to explore more! 

I am fortunate to have parents and a boyfriend who also share my passion for travel and are always up for an adventure - most recently, Paris, Puerto Rico, Barcelona, Cinque Terre and Rome. Not to mention, the countless trips I get to take to Louisiana and Buenos Aires to visit them at their respective homes!

I am also fortunate to have a wonderful job that takes me to the far corners of the earth - Peru, South Africa and Ukraine, to name a few - for three weeks at a time, several times a year.

(When time allows, I will create some back-posts related to the countries I have traveled to in the past.)

What is the best way to experience new cultures when traveling? By eating, of course! So here comes into play my next favorite thing in the world - tasting new dishes anywhere and everywhere, including my own backyard (currently Dallas, Texas). I also adore taking photos of food, most of which I will never look at again but, if need be, I can always look back and reminisce. :)

I am typing this first blog entry from Johannesburg (my second trip here thanks to my current job) and am off to Israel tomorrow evening, so look forward to upcoming blog entries featuring these amazing countries!

I hope you enjoy!

A special thank you to my parents, Marce, extended family and close friends who are supportive of my work travels and absence at special events, birthdays and holidays. I love you!


  1. So glad you started this!! Miss you so much and love hearing what you're up to! :)

  2. What a wondeful way for us to share in your adventures!! Looking forward to your upcoming entries....happy next journey!! Love you with all heart!!

  3. YAY!! Now I can actually keep up with you more! :) We miss the heck out of you!! This will definitely help us to feel closer to you and get to see a little of every where you are going. WE LOVE YOU!! Emma was just talking about Italy today and the first person she mentioned getting to spend time with there was Lauren. :D

  4. Great first post! Love the name and am so excited you got this going! Love you and can't wait to follow more. :)

  5. Yay! So excited to keep up with your travels!
